My world building machine has shifted its operating system from money and fame to poetry and kindness. It has been a terrifying transition. I am still thinking in the old familiar terms of power and possessions, when my new systems don't support those cruel programs. 

Like when I transitions from PC to Mac in 2007. I kept thinking in the wild west of windows instead of the gated community of Steve's sleek leviathan. 

I have to actively unthink how to move in the world whenever the lazy meathead of ego starts to beat my desires over the head with expectations of Empire and cash. 

I am writing pages of poems. Filling folios. I keep a notebook near me at all times. I cannot stop thinking in line, meter, and image. Sometimes, as a drift off to sleep, a bright line will cross my field of mind; I enjoy it like the presence of a wild thing, knowing it will dart away the moment dream begins or if I try to capture it, how it will run.

Here are a few fragments, bits and pieces from my journals, things not quite formed. Embryonic poems, still growing nails and teeth. Submitted for your review, comment, and curiosity.

fragments, march 24th 2020

so what if i like to imagine
the experience of trees
their life and fruiting?

how joyous it must be for roots
pushing like summer fingers into cool earth.
how miraculous the sway of limbs
heavy with leaves, suddenly lifted by wind.

to vibrate with the sap-pump, heart-trunk,
conduit of root rut and twig twitch

is this wrong of me, O science?
do i speak heresy, O materialist?


Is it worth the wonder to
plunder our lands for
the insane idea of
growth without end?


My head is pathetic with prophecies


water is magic
you cannot convince me otherwise
even light bends
to the arcane power
of the triune molecule


the weight of what we've hidden
is falling on top of our five-year-old son
the world is not a wonderland of friendship
filled with sharing and laughter
(although rainbows do shine after storms)

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