Canto Three Part One


copyright 2009
copyright 2009 by Sam Carbaugh (words of the Gates of Hell taken from John Ciardi's translation)




Hello everyone, this is the last comics before our hero enters the abyss. From now onward, I will just post quick sketches of the Cantos rather than “finished-ish” inks. I think I should allow me to move more fluidly through the story while working on my finished art for These Things Happen. 

Hopefully, someone will like these sketches enough to make it worth it for me to spend more time on them and make them look AWESOME. But, for now, you’ll have to get down and get up with the scratchy.


Daily Dante: Footnote to Canto One

copyright 2008 Sam Carbaugh
copyright 2008 Sam Carbaugh

Greetings everyone,

These comics may seem odd and confusing to some of you, so let me explain a little bit about their purpose:

1. Daily Dante is meant to be a loose collection sketch comics following Dante’s journey through his metaphysical universe.

2. The first canto is slow.

3. The forms of the comics will change until I find something that works. Therefore, some of these early comics will probably be redone if I am ever to collect them.

4. I’m just having fun. The work I am doing in my mini-comics is much more considered, so if you feel like I am dishonoring a classic piece of literature, I do not mean to and I am very sorry (Dante’s Divine Comedy is a great work on its own and you should read it).

Thank you everyone for reading this and for checking out the site. Please leave me comments if you are confused by any future posts.

